References: NanoVan and Nano-W
Negative Stains for EM




NanoVan Negative Stain

  1. Franzetti, B.; Schoehn, G.; Hernandez, J. F.; Jaquinod, M.; Ruigrok, R. W.; and Zaccai, G.: Tetrahedral aminopeptidase: a novel large protease complex from archaea. EMBO J., 21, 2132-2138 (2002).
  2. Gregori, L., Hainfeld, J. F., Simon, M. N., and Goldgaber, D. Binding of amyloid beta protein to the 20S proteasome. J. Biol. Chem., 272, 58-62 (1997).
  3. Hainfeld, J.F., Safer, D., Wall, J.S., Simon, M., Lin, B., and Powell, R. D. Methylamine vanadate (NanoVan) negative stain. In Proc. 52nd Ann. Mtg. Micros. Soc. Amer.; Bailey, G.W. and Garratt-Reed, A.J. (Eds.), San Francisco Press, San Francisco. 132-133, (1994).
  4. Tracz, E., Dickson, D. W., Hainfeld, J. F., and Ksiezak-Reding, H. Paired helical filaments in corticobasal degeneration: the fine fibrillary structure with NanoVan. Brain Res., 773, 33-44 (1997).
    • Jim Hainfeld: Medline search (results will be displayed in a new window).
  5. Tracz, E., Dickson, D.W., Hainfeld, J.F., and Ksiezak-Reding, H. The ultrastructure of paired helical filaments with NanoVan, a novel negative stain reagent. Proc. XIIIth Int. Cong. for Elec. Micros., Paris (1994) pp. 675-676.
  6. Zagursky, R. J.; Ooi, P.; Jones, K. F.; Fiske, M. J.; Smith, R. P., and Green, B. A. Identification of a Haemophilus influenzae 5'-nucleotidase protein: cloning of the nucA gene and immunogenicity and characterization of the NucA protein. Infect. Immun., 68, 2525-34 (2000).


Negative Stains: Catalog information | Technical Help | NanoVan Product Instructions


Nano-W Negative Stain

  1. Shayakhmetov, D. M.; Papayannopoulou, T.; Stamatoyannopoulos, G., and Lieber, A.: Efficient gene transfer intohuman CD34+ cells by a retargeted adenovirus vector J. Virol., 74, 2567-2583 (2000).
  2. Oliver, R. M.: Negative Stain Electron Microscopy of Protein Macromolecules. Meth. Enzym., 27, 616-672 (1973).
  3. To see some images of negatively stained virus particles, and more information on the technique in general, visit Linda Stannard's Virus ultrastructure WWW pages (University of Cape Town).


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