Gold Lipid Conjugates with 1.4 nm Nanogold® or 0.8 nm Undecagold
Updated: January 21, 2025
Each lipid molecule is covalently linked to a Nanogold® or undecagold cluster through its polar head group. Since the gold moiety is hydrophilic, these molecules retain the amphiphilic nature of the parent lipid, and behave like fatty acids or phospholipids.
Study membranes by incorporation into the lipid phase, or gold-label micelles and vesicles so that they can be identified and visualized.
Discrete single molecules with one lipid to one gold cluster label.
Covalent attachment ensures consistent structure and properties.
Stable, long shelf life.
Soluble in organic solvents and alcohols for easy incorporation into liposomes.
Available with 1.4 nm Nanogold® or 0.8 nm undecagold
Follow liposomal transport or drug delivery by EM or LM
Schematic showing the pathways of Nanogold®-labeled liposomes in cells, as revealed by EM. Ambisome is a channel-forming anti-fungal drug: in its absence, the pattern of the label as revealed by silver enhancement shows that the liposome fuses with the cell membrane (left), but when it is present, the liposomes enter the cell (right) and Nanogold® accummulates in the cytoplasm (Adler-Moore, J.; Bone Marrow Transplantation, 14, S3-S7 (1994)).
Prepare novel arrays and nanostructures
using the phase properties of labeled liposomes.
Use silver enhancement or gold enhancement
for a highly visible,
permanent signal in lipoimmunoassays.