Drs. Jim Pettay (L) and Ray Tubbs (R) with the Ventana staining system.
If you are using EnzMet™ for ISH or IHC, you are probably doing so in part because of the efforts of Dr. Raymond R. Tubbs and Jim Pettay of the Cleveland Clinic, who pioneered its use for both these applications.
"The exquisite detail associated with metallic silver deposition enhances immunohistochemical resolution for cellular analysis...
We recognized immediately that enzyme metallography potentially represented a fundamental advance for clinical molecular pathology practice."
Having showed that EnzMet™ worked better than any other method for immunohistochemistry and brightfield in situ hybridization, they then showed that it could be successfully adapted for use on automated immunostaining instruments, and worked tirelessly for clinical adoption.
This set in motion the clinical development of this reagent, that culminated recently when the US FDA granted approval to Ventana Medical Systems, a member of the Roche Group, for clinical use of the EnzMet™-based INFORM HER2 Dual ISH DNA Probe cocktail assay (HER2 Dual ISH).
The [EnzMet™] assay is now poised to significantly improve the practice of breast pathology in the US and world wide."
--Dr. Raymond R. Tubbs
Chairman, Department of Clinical Pathology,
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Dr. Tubbs, Pettay and colleagues also completed a thorough evaluation of EnzMet™ (enzyme metallography) as compared to existing immunohistochemistry methods.
The results are very clear-- EnzMet™ beats the pants off of DAB.

Comparison of EnzMet with conventional DAB immunohistochemistry and enhanced DAB, showing superior contrast and sensitivity even without further amplification. Cytokeratins in paraffin-embedded bladder tumor stained with monoclonal primary antibody (AE1/AE3, Dako) and peroxidase secondary with (A) EnzMet;(B) DAB; (C) DAB enhanced using nickel (II); and (D) Polymerized HRP-secondary (Envision, Dako) developed with DAB.
- Tubbs R.; Pettay J.; Powell R.; Hicks D. G.; Roche P.; Powell W.; Grogan T., and Hainfeld, J. F.: High-resolution immunophenotyping of subcellular compartments in tissue microarrays by enzyme metallography. Appl. Immunohistochem. Mol. Morphol., 13, 371-375 (2005).
- Abstract from the Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology